Truth or Tech - Navigating AI-Generated Evidence in the Courtroom
Date: Friday, February 21
As technology advances, the manipulation of digital content has become more sophisticated and accessible than ever. It is now easier to generate or alter photos, videos, audio recordings, and even handwriting, raising critical questions about the integrity of evidence presented in legal proceedings. With the rise of AI-generated content, we must consider how these advancements can potentially compromise the reliability of evidence in court.
TBA Members: $20.00
Non- Members: $40.00
Law Students: Free
Non-Credit Seeking $10.00
Presenter: Brian Chase is a Managing Director of Digital Forensics at ArcherHall, an expert witness, and an adjunct professor of law. He has a diverse background, including years working as a network administrator for the University of Arizona, a Management and Information Systems degree from the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, and a law degree from the same institution. Mr. Chase has worked with various sized law firms both in an IT and legal capacity, and he has consulted with firms on their use of technology within the office. He has also provided expert testimony in criminal and civil matters ranging from misdemeanors to murder to medical malpractice. Mr. Chase has published and spoken on various technology related issues impacting law firms and parties in the civil and criminal justice system. He teaches various topics regarding law and technology, digital forensics and evidence, at a variety of legal and technical conferences.
Approved for 1 hour CLE credit in KS